Friday, November 2, 2012

We Become What We Think About

A critical secret to success is that what we think about on a regular basis, good or bad, we attract into our life. Our minds are a powerful magnet that will attract whatever we are focusing on, positive or negative. Our thoughts generate our feelings and our feelings generate our actions. In turn, our actions generate our results. Everything starts with our thoughts. If you want to attract better personal and professional results, you have to adopt better thoughts.

Most people don't realize that their habitual thoughts are powerful things that ultimately become real and tangible. Since our dominant thoughts become our reality, we should choose our thoughts and internal dialogue very carefully. We need to be aware of our recurring thought patterns and turn them into positive affirmations.

Instead of constantly thinking about debt, start thinking about financial freedom. Don't stress about being overweight, focus on being healthy. Don't dwell on disliking your job, dream about owning a business and creating wealth.

Right thoughts create right actions and sooner or later, they also create the right outcomes.

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