Monday, November 5, 2012

Being Good Enough

With the type of job I have, I am continually reminded how the bumps and bruises, rejections, failures and disappointments of a project gone bad can undermine people's beliefs in themselves and their ability. The same holds true in life itself. It is unfortunate how often we allow a family member, spouse, boss or friend to define who we are or are not, rather than holding on to the power of who we are by simply acting on our gifts and knowledge.

Life is a constant, never-ending process of learning and growing in skills, experience, wisdom and compassion. It is not a goal or series of goals; and despite this worlds obsession with competition, it is not a contest either.

Most of us are not extravagant in any category of life, however we are valuable, lovable, proficient, useful, attractive, and smart enough to live our lives full of involvement, compassion and importance. We have to accept that we are enough just as we are, and stop comparing ourselves to others, good or bad.

We are not our car, clothes, awards, job title or bank account; and we certainly aren't our failures or shortcomings. There are no winnings without losses, no virtue without faults and no learning without mistakes.

We have to accept that we are enough and stop making judgments about others or ourselves. We ARE enough just as we are and so is everyone else!

When we accept our faults and shortcomings as part of our "enoughness" (if that's even a word) we will be able to let others have their faults and shortcomings without the need to criticize, fix or make them wrong. We will be able to make choices, rather than feeling like we 'should' or 'have to' be or do something. We give ourselves the space to let go of guilt.

Once we realize that we are enough and are at peace, the less power others have to manipulate us or make us feel guilty. We simply act on our own best thinking and feelings in the moment and take responsibility for the outcome. If we make a choice that results in something we don't like, we get to make a new choice. It's all a part of the learning process and nothing to feel guilty about.

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