Monday, December 10, 2012


Why are people still under the impression that money will solve all their problems?  "If I only had more money or a better paying job, blah, blah blah."  You hear it all the time.  Most of the time money creates more problems with more wants and things people think they cannot live without, and ultimately more debt.  There is no way in the world the best job offer or a lot of money will bring me what I really want right now.  I have learned what is important and what isn't.  There is no amount of money that could even remotely come close to replacing what is in my life or what I desire.  None.  

Money and prestige can only get you so far before the value of who you are and what you have to offer the world takes over.  Money cannot buy people or solid relationships with those people either.  I once heard someone say they wanted to die with millions in their bank account.  Why?  You certainly can't take it with you.  People should be more concerned with the impact they leave on the world, people they come into contact with daily and being an overall good quality and kind person rather than how many zeros they leave to National City Bank.  That just irritates me.

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