Friday, May 8, 2009

Double Standards

I've come to realize that people are a trip. Sometimes I want to just say, "Who do you think you are?" When we look at the world and think about creation (not evolution), we see that we are way less than a speck of dust when compared to God. But we subconsciously try to be bigger than God especially when it comes to other people.

I've also come to realize that humans are so set on being double standard. We hold a person accountable for things that we don't hold ourselves accountable for. As soon as they do one thing, they are out of the door but when we do it we expect mercy to be extended to us. Who made our standard greater than God's? I'm not trying to tear anyone down but trying to get people to elevate their minds to see that the problem is sometimes lying dormant within us. When we learn better, we do better.

We need to encourage each other to be the best person that God designed us to be but in the process don't kill other people. We kill people with our standards that they can't reach. We kill people with our judgment. We kill people with our self-righteous attitudes. If God can forgive us, then we should be able to forgive others. The main thing that we should realize is that every person is different and just because they don't dance to the beat of our drum doesn't make them wrong. Who said that you had it all together anyway?

The next time you feel like your standard is higher than God's, remember the punishment of the unforgiving servant.